General Assembly

General Assembly

We are pleased to invite you to our general assembly.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022, from 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM

in the 25hours Hotel, Pfingstweidstrasse 102, 8005 Zürich



1:00 PM Arrival of the members and guests

1:30 PM Welcome by the president

1:45 PM Resilienz – die Kraft für Alltagsturbulenzen – Antoinette Wenk

3:00 PM Networking Break


Activity Report of the board

3:15 PM Review 2021 und Preview 2022 – Danny Kaltenborn

3:30 PM Activity Report Romandie – Alain VonRufs

3:45 PM Activity Report Ticino – Sergio Vignone

4:00 PM Education – Daniel Schneider

4:15 PM State of finances – Pietro Pavone

4:30 PM Audit Report – Claudio Cavelti

4:45 PM Elections and Votes – Danny Kaltenborn

5:00 PM Networking Apero

6:00 PM End of the event


Members of the ACMS, CFO Forums and Swiss Venture Clubs register for free. All others pay CHF 100,- per person. Please keep in mind that the membership fee for a personal membership is CHF 90,-.
