
Become a member – it’s worth it!

The Association for Credit Management has about 60 members already targeting 100 within the next five years. We are offering a company and also a private membership. Membership fees are shown in the request form below.

Why is it worth it to join the association?

  • Because you will extend your profession network
  • Because you will exchange experiences with peers (e.g. workshops)
    Because you get reduced event fees
  • Because you will have easier access to becoming a certified credit manager
  • Because you receive the credit management journal
    Because you can be an active playing in your profession outside your company

We are offering to become our sponsor for credit service providers as well. Ask our board if you are interested.

Become a member!

Register today with the Credit Management Association and enjoy all the advantages of a membership!

Personal Membership


  • per year

Corporate Membership


  • per year

If you are already a member, you can just login here: Log In