
Greenwashing is on the decline but not in Switzerland
15. October 2024
Switzerland further tightens sanctions against Russia
17. October 2024


在国际奢侈品牌波委云集的苏黎世班霍夫大街(Bahnhofstrasse)上,一家手工面包糕饼店正尽力争取跻身其中,并大展拳脚。 It is one of the most expensive streets for shopping in Switzerland where jewellery, watches and designer clothes worth tens of thousands of Swiss francs can be purchased. We are talking about Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse. You can now also buy a sandwich here thanks to a new bakery. Swiss public radio RTS’ reported that this bakery opening could be a possible turning point, also witnessed by the arrival of the Manor store chain planned for 2027. 这是瑞士最昂贵的购物街区之一,在这里,你可以买到价值数万瑞郎的珠宝、手表和高端名牌服装。没错,我们谈论的正是坐落于苏黎世的班霍夫大街。现在,您还可以在这里买到三明治,这要归功于一家新开的面包店。瑞士公共广播电台 RTS 报道称,这家面包店的开业可能是一个转折点,计划于 2027 年开业的庄园连锁店也是一个转折点。 “Our approach is that we produce everything we sell on site,” said Jens Jung, an entrepreneur who is part of a bakery dynasty. He founded his own chain of stores in 2013, under the name John Baker. “We were certainly a little nervous at first, but it’s a very positive development to set up on Bahnhofstrasse,” he said. “Jens …
